$template Object

The $template object serves as the central hub for all hooks and functions related to the current template.


  1. $template.ready(callback)

    This method is akin to the document.ready function. It executes as soon as the document is loaded and the template is ready for execution. It is recommended to encapsulate your JavaScript code inside the $template.ready(callback) function.


    /** JavaScript */
    $template.ready(async () => {
        console.log('The template is ready');


  1. $template.useView()

    This is an asynchronous/promise-based method that returns view hooks to be used within the Template JavaScript Section.


    /** JavaScript */
    $template.ready(async () => {
        const view = await $template.useView();
        view.showLoading(); // Displaying loading on the template view
        setTimeout(() => {
            view.hideLoading(); // Hiding the loading
        }, 1000);
  2. $template.useContext()

    This is an asynchronous/promise-based method that returns the current context object containing information about the current item, board, document, etc.


      "workspaceId": -1,
      "boardId": 1814890475,
      "boardIds": [
      "itemId": 1814890492,
      "instanceId": 35564832,
      "instanceType": "item_view",
      "theme": "dark",
      "account": {
        "id": "18305595"
      "user": {
        "id": "47317564",
        "isAdmin": true,
        "isGuest": false,
        "isViewOnly": false,
        "countryCode": "IN",
        "currentLanguage": "en",
        "timeFormat": "12H",
        "timeZoneOffset": 5


    /** JavaScript */
    $template.ready(async () => {
        const context = await $template.useContext();
        console.log(context); // Prints the current context
  3. $template.useItemAPI()

    This is an asynchronous/promise-based method that returns the Item API hooks to be used within the Template JavaScript Section.


    /** JavaScript */
    $template.ready(async () => {
        const context = await $template.useContext();
        const itemAPI = await $template.useItemAPI();
        if (context.itemId) { // Important: Weather app is configured in item view
            const currentIssue = await itemAPI.getCurrentItem();
            console.log('currentIssue', currentIssue); // Get current issue if you want to fetch some details from the item
            // Updating column name text in the current item
            await itemAPI.updateItem(context.boardId, context.itemId, {
                text: `This is a sample email2222222`
        } else {
            alert('App is not opened in issue view')
  4. $template.useBoardAPI()

This is an asynchronous/promise-based method that returns the Board API hooks to be used within the Template JavaScript Section.


/** JavaScript */
$template.ready(async () => {
    const boardAPI = await $template.useBoardAPI();
    const currentBoard = await boardAPI.getCurrentBoard();
    const specificBoard = await boardAPI.findById('exampleBoardId');
    console.log('Current Board:', currentBoard);
    console.log('Specific Board:', specificBoard);

  1. $template.useVariables()

This is an asynchronous/promise-based method that returns the Variables API hooks to be used within the Template JavaScript Section.
